Below are some examples of drawings and poems sent to House of Hope by a few of the inmates we meet with in various jails and prisons.






We have living proof , that angels are true,
for they walk among people, just like me and you.
It's hard to describe them, or what they look like,
But we all know God sent us one named Big Mike.

We all know him, as a no nonsense kinda guy,
But he stands strong for God, and that ain't no lie.
He's always prepared, to show us how God,
is ready to lift us, out of the God Pod.

His aggressive demeanor, to some may seem gruff,
but trust me when I say, He's got some good stuff.
A shining example, the world should take heed,
that if you are weary, let Jesus take the lead.

He's all the time after us all to obey,
so that when we succeed, we can look back and say,
"Glory to God and good will to all men,
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Praise God, Amen."

So we thank God for your ability to discern,
and anxiously await, for you to return.
To show us all here, how to be Spirit bold,
and sit back to watch, the Lord's mercy unfold.

You truly inspire us, Mike with your talks,
and your lessons are legend, on how men of God walk.
When men cry to God, He sends them a rope,
But to Tacoma, God sent Mike, and House of Hope.

He seems to look through you, when he sees your heart,
and is willing to help you, when you need a start.
Make no mistake brothers, Mike Sgobba's no joke,
and he can help you, if your spirit is broke.

So be ready to hear, some strong words from Big Mike,
and he'll show you, what living for God is like.
We love you and appreciate your presence here bro,
So keep us in your prayers, wherever you go.

                                       We love you Mike,
                                Big Ben